Purchase Order Financing Tips and Secrets for Canadian Firms Seeking Trade Finance
Your worst business nightmare just occurred. You got the order/contract! Now what?! Purchase order financing is a great tool for firms that have unusual purchase order and contract sales financing needs but are potentially unable to access traditional financing via banks or their own capital resources within their firm. How does trade finance P O financing work, does your firm qualify, what are the costs, and how does it work? Great questions, now let's explore some answers! Typically Canadian firms looking for this type of financing are distributors, manufacturers, or perhaps wholesalers. A variety of industries in Canada have access to this type of financing, but those certainly tend to be the typical firms needing assistance. Your need for purchase order financing arises out of what we call the classic working capital gap. What do we mean by that? It's a case of your suppliers requiring payment either up front or within 30 days, with your firm unable to generate those funds ...